Call or email with your prayer request and we will pray for you, your family and friends even your furry loved ones.
We will teach you to meditate and connect with your angels, by helping you find your God Self.
Located in our center. A place of open worship, do not feel pressured to participate with those around you. Let your self be free to find your God self.
Get a word of prophecy from a prophet.
We close with a Word of Wisdom: It is time for you to ask God to put your Angels to work so you can become a Champion for God.
Need prayer? You can call and we can pray together. I am here to listen and spiritually guide you.
- Phone +1.(254)634.4648
- Voice Mail +1.(254)520.5334
- Conference Call +1.(712)775.7031 (Pin:111-430-318#)
- We have Conference Call on Sunday Nights from 7Pm - 8PM
We are not bias. Come as you are and just be free. We are here to help you learn more about yourself and your life. How to get motivated and learn how to love yourself and be free. From my heart to your heart we are here to help each other.
Come and be free, be yourself and just have lots of fun.
You can make a difference today